James Moore

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Tilehurst ward Learn more

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About me and why I am standing to be a local Councillor for Minster ward

by James Moore on 14 March, 2018

Why am I standing?

Well, first and foremost I want to be your representative on the council, not the council’s representative to you.

I want to represent the area I’ve chosen to call my home. It’s been neglected by our local councillors and we aren’t getting the help we need. In fact, many people in this ward probably don’t even know who our local councillors are (and that they don’t live in Minster ward).

I’ll stand up for my neighbours and challenge the council when they get it wrong. I’ll also help residents to navigate the bureaucracy of local government to get problems solved.

Why does local politics matter?

Media attention is always on national politics, but local councillors can make a massive difference to our day-to-day lives. They decide on provision for children, road safety, local care, planning, the local environment, cycling provision and loads more.

Labour has run Reading Borough Council for pretty much all of the last 30 years but it’s not a complete monopoly, and we’ve had Liberal Democrat councillors in Reading for decades. Liberal Democrats are well known nationally for working hard to represent their local communities, and I intend to uphold that proud tradition.

Why Minster ward?

Put simply, I live here and I love it. I love my local community: the Foresters Arms pub; Courage Park; Coley Recreation Ground and, most importantly, the people who live around me. I feel incredibly at home here and I don’t intend to move away any time soon. So it sounds like a cliché but I really want to give something back by being our community champion on the council.

Vote for me. I’ll stand up for you, and I’ll stand up for Minster.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Duncan Lang says:

    I’ve had the pleasure to meet James and I believe he is going to make a great councillor for Minster Ward. He does care about local politics and he is in it to make a difference. I’ll be voting for him.

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