James Moore

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Tilehurst ward Learn more

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From an EU citizen: The chance to have our voices heard on 3 May 2018

by James Moore on 15 March, 2018

As a Finnish citizen, living and working here in the Reading area, I am worried about the UK Government’s failure to say it will protect my rights to live and work here.  Like many EU citizens,  I worry about the future for my family and friends here.

We now know that the Conservatives’ plan for EU citizens’ rights is dismal – that we should be forced to register for “settled status”.  But what can we do?

Local Liberal Democrats began campaigning to protect EU citizens’ rights straight after the referendum – with a petition of over 1200 to pressure our local MPs.  These rights were also at the centre of the Lib Dem General Election campaign.

As an EU citizen, I couldn’t vote in the EU Referendum, but I can vote in local elections –  and so can you.

There is a vote for a local councillor here on Thursday 3 May.

I know the Lib Dem candidate, James Moore – he understands these issues.  I also know he will champion EU citizens’ rights locally and nationally.

We must speak out to save Britain’s place in the Single Market or the economy will suffer: Councils and the Government won’t be able to give the investment our local schools and NHS services so badly need.

Labour are backing the Conservatives all the way on Brexit, so please use this opportunity to vote for James, someone who will truly speak out on this issue.

After all, this could be one of our last opportunities to vote here – leading Conservatives like Dan Hannan have said that EU citizens shouldn’t be able to vote in these elections after Brexit.

Vote for James Moore – a strong local champion we can trust to stand up for us.

Find out more about James at jamesmoore.mycouncillor.org.uk

Thank you,

Minna Miettinen

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