James Moore

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Tilehurst ward Learn more

Letter to the paper: NHS/Brexit

by James Moore on 1 March, 2017

Yesterday I sent the following letter to the Reading Chronicle:

Dear Editor,

I am horrified to see that the NHS in Reading faces a serious threat of staff shortages in the wake of Brexit. EU workers make up a significant chunk of employees in hospitals throughout Reading and a hard Brexit will mean that we will lose their highly sought after skills and expertise.

As we already know, there is no £350 million per week for the NHS if we leave the European Union and new training will take time and money. I am very concerned that this Conservative Brexit government will leave our NHS in a situation where they will be unable to deliver the health care people deserve and put the NHS unnecessarily under more pressure.

By threatening our place in the Single Market Theresa May has left thousands of EU workers in limbo, hoping to line them up as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. They must be given the right to stay in Britain – our NHS depends on them.

Yours Sincerely,

James Moore
Chair, Reading Liberal Democrats
Brunswick Street, Reading

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